The '14s have come to campus! Not for full-time yet, but with the happy knowledge that everyone they saw at this event has also been accepted (January's Interviewfest is kind of an awkward time in that respect). Even though the afternoon weather last Thursday was not the most cooperative (it turned grey and rainy), we had a good time which continued into Friday. Open House was my big committee push (people choose all kinds of different committees to get extra involved in) and I really wanted to make sure we gave the most helpful information and made sure the '14s had fun and could confidently make up their minds as to whether they wanted to come to MIT for full time this summer. I should have taken photos, but unfortunately, I didn't have my camera in my bag.
Things have been ramping up the for the end of the semester. I'm now less than one month away from finishing three straight semesters of taking more than 54 units of class per term, two straight of 60 or more (business classes usually are nine units each, and engineering classes are 12 units) and I am looking forward to the change of pace the internship with GM will bring. I have no idea how the work loads will compare, but at least I won't have much homework for GM (though I will be taking notes and thinking about my thesis). For reference, during undergrad, I took 60 units only one semester of the eight I was at MIT.
Working (or at least printing) in an Athena cluster, one of MIT's computer labs |
At the same time, I can't believe that the 2012s will be moving on up and away and won't be here when I come back from internship - they'll have been replaced with the '14s! Supposedly, each year the character of the class switches back and forth from more single party people to a class with more SOs, kids and stablility. My class is in the stable relationship part of the pattern and has pretty much lived up to that - not much drama, everything has been pretty good. At the Open House, rather than all being single and ready to mingle, the 2014s brought a bunch of SOs and kids, so it will be interesting to see if they live up to the every other year trend or start to buck it.
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